Done so far
A building as old as All Saints needs constant care and attention, we never know what will need doing year to year.

All Saints from the north east
Out and In
The main picture shows a restored All Saints from the north east on a January day.
Three coffee shop windows were damaged in November 2019 to give a thief access to British Legion poppy collecting tins on the inside ledge. Not content with this, the thief took the poppies and then poured white gloss paint down and through the windows. Fortunately they were insured, with the excess paid by concerned local people. They were repaired in time for Christmas that year. The next picture shows the completed work.

Coffee Shop Windows, December 2019
Ongoing work
All Saints has been under almost constant repair and restoration since 1999. It now looks its best, so come and visit.
- Nave Flooring: stone slabs need attention.
- Ongoing routine maintenance, repair following quinquennial inspection by the church’s architect.
- Electrical earthing problems rectified in 2022.
- North aisle and transept wall dampness rectified in 2023.
- Four sections of the Churchyard wall, which had collapsed in one location, were repaired in 2024.
The last items are funded by this Trust, thanks to our supporters.
- 2000-2001 Repairs to the tower, which was cracked and bulging. 262 steel anchors and tons of new stone and grout now hold it firm.
- 2001-2002 Repairs to the west end. Three large stained glass windows restored, window stonework rebuilt, masonry repairs to walls and new buttresses.
- 2004-2005 New boiler room and heating equipment to replace condemned underground boiler house and gas boilers.
- 2006-2007 Repairs to 8 high level south nave clerestory windows. Reconstruction of window stonework, repairs to wall masonry and battlements.
- 2007-2008 Repairs to walls and masonry of three large south nave low level windows, including one in particularly poor condition. Glass cleaned and restored.
- 2009-2010 Repairs to eroding chancel walls. Crumbling local sandstone renewed. All walls re-pointed using lime mortar. Parapets secured.
- 2010 Repairs to south transept. Cement removed, eroded stone replaced, roof repaired, buttresses rebuilt, east windows repaired.
- 2012-2013 Repairs to north transept, now completed: New roof, large window restored, eroded stone replaced, cement replaced with lime mortar.
- 2013-2014 North nave, now completed. 9 Kempe windows restored, battlements and masonry repaired. Inside plaster work restored.
- 2014 Toilet updated, spire repaired.
- 2015 Chapel repaired, lighting improved, East window masonry repaired.
- 2016 Plinths repaired.
- 2017 Heaters replaced, sound upgraded, south transept roof repaired.
- 2018 South transept redecorated. Organ cleaned and restored.
- 2019 Wooden floor blocks repaired, damp dealt with and disabled access to north transept improved.
- 2020 CCTV installed. Clock repaired.
- 2022 Electrical earthing repaired.
- 2023 North aisle damp problems investigated and repaired.
- 2024 Four sections of the churchyard wall repaired.
Read on about current and future work